Goodwin loses knighthood

Fred Goodwin
Image by London Permaculture via Flickr
As the BBC says... Former RBS boss Fred Goodwin stripped of knighthood

In other news I've lost the top off my biro.

I know which is more relevant to me.

Banker Fred Goodwin losing his knighthood is a bit of a non-story for me. The whole honours system is already in disrepute not by the shame of having to strip some banker of his title but in the fact that he was given one in the first place! How someone decided that running a company into the ground is reason for offering them a knighthood for 'services to banking' is beyond me. To be honest it's not. It's symptomatic of a system that is run by the elite for the elite.

I also really can't be bothered whether he keeps his knighthood or not. I'd never call anyone 'Sir' or whatever just because some oaf decided that I should. What I would like to see is Goodwin being stripped of his booty from the wreck of the good ship RBS. That would be a sight worth seeing and would also send a message that the days of rewarding failure are over.
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