
Showing posts from April, 2012

The Enemy of Worship

Just reading the late Derek Prince's book "Entering the Presence of God". There's a passage in there regarding worship which says thus: ...the great enemy of worship is self-centeredness. As long as we are wrapped up in ourselves and our own problems and the things that are going on all around us, we are not in a position to worship God. Sometimes you just need to read things to have them come up and smack you in the face, and for a very good reason. Derek's book is proving to be an excellent read.

Review: Victory over the Darkness

Victory over the Darkness by Neil Anderson My rating: 5 of 5 stars If the rating had another star I'd add it! Anderson's book is excellent in reinforcing the security that Christians have in Christ. Neil T Anderson presses home in how our new identity should be challenging and shaping our thoughts and views on ourselves past, present and future. All from a well thought out evengelical standpoint, this book really is an encouraging work. View all my reviews

Breaking Intimidation: Say "No" Without Feeling Guilty

Breaking Intimidation: Say "No" without feeling guilty. Be secure without the approval of man by John Bevere My rating: 4 of 5 stars Very good book. Follows John's usual format and style - easy to read and understand, geared more towards practical Christian living than in-depth theology. Lots of scripture, some good anecdotes and plenty to chew over. Worth a read. View all my reviews

Review: Dracula

Dracula by Bram Stoker My rating: 5 of 5 stars I remember when I was about 11 or 12 years old rummaging through a second hand bookshop in Egham. I had this urge to buy a book, my first ever book that I'd paid for with my own money. After much faffing about I settled upon a rather aged and dog-eared paperback by Bram Stoker titled Dracula. I don't remember the cover but I do remember the smell. There's a very distinct smell about second hand books, which gets more distinct the older they get! Back then I took maybe two days to read it from cover to cover and really enjoyed it. Re-reading it nigh on 38 years later on the Kindle I find I have lost none of the enjoyment. It's an excellent book that keeps you with the story all the way through. It's also interesting to see how cinema has changed the story when it's been adapted by Hammer and Hollywood, it's often been made much more sexualised and at the same time less horrific. Per...

Pete Seeger - Little Boxes

92 years old and still going. Awesome.

Plankeye - Goodbye

One of my favourite songs!

Review: Jesus of Nazareth, Part Two: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection

Jesus of Nazareth, Part Two: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection by Pope Benedict XVI My rating: 5 of 5 stars I was expecting great things from Pope Benedict XVI after reading the first part of this trilogy and I wasn't going to be disappointed. Let me just say that this book is excellent! IF you haven't read it because you think it's a 'Catholic' book then I implore you to put down any prejudice and just read it. Benedict has written these books in such a way so they become open and personal to all Christians. This book follows the ministry of Jesus during the Holy Week up to his crucifixion and resurrection. It's extremely well written and provides enough to make you think deeply and if needs be find out more yourself. Benedict provides a good depth of detail when it comes to looking at the Old Testament prophecies concerning. Consider Jesus and the colt, John implies that Jesus was 'put on' the donkey which t...