English: Logo of the Church of England (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) It seems that the democratic vote by the Church of England Synod on the creation of women Bishops in the Church of England didn't go the right way. At least it seems to read like that when looking at the frenzy of activity following the unexpected vote. Gnashing of teeth anyone? I mean, we have the Prime Minister David Cameron warning the Church of England to think again about its ‘very sad’ rejection of women bishops. In a strongly worded rebuke, the Prime Minister said it was time for the Church to ‘ get with the programme ’ or risk looking dangerously out of touch with modern society. He said: ‘I’m very clear, the time is right for women bishops, it was right many years ago, they need to get on with it as it were and get with the programme, but you do have to respect the individual institutions and the way they work, while giving them a sharp prod. In the Commons the MPs couldn't wait to flex their mus...