
Showing posts from June, 2014

Phillipa Hanna

Phillipa Hanna is a great artist and performer who tells the gospel story through her works. She has recently been supporting Lionel Ritchie and Wet Wet Wet on their tours. Phillipa will be performing at St John's church in Egham on the 27th June 2014 in support of Abba Father's House , a British charity supporting orphans and widows in Uganda. You can purchase tickets for this event at Authored by Chris Hall

DWP Smears Trussell Trust

Holy Bible Title Page (Photo credit: mrbill ) The government remains determined to ignore the real reason behind the rise in food bank usage throughout the UK as they chip away at the welfare system so as to prop up the bankers and bondholders. Now the Department for Work and Pensions, which should remain neutral on political issues is trying to blame the Evangelical Christians. Apparently food banks are a God-given opportunity to evangelise and proselytize and the impetus is not to feed the poor and hungry but to indulge in a bit of Bible bashing. “For the Trussell Trust, food banks started as an evangelical device to get religious groups in touch with their local communities. As far as I know, the Government has no policy on evangelism.” See minutes of the Scottish Parliament Welfare Reform Committee, Section 1464. I'll let the Apostle St Matthew speak for me. Matthew 25:35-36 New Living Translation (NLT) 35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you ...

Too many icons on the desktop

Sorry, couldn't help it. Image purloined somewhere off Google+ Authored by Chris Hall

May the Peace of The Lord be With You

Crikey, got this email today. Dear Chris Hall, May the peace of the Lord be with you, as i was browsing through the internet i come across you name and email address, God gave me a revelation and directed me to you that you are a very good person, there is a breakthrough coming your way by end of June, but the enemies are trying to stop it because as at now, you are already facing problems in your life and they won't stop until they kill you, through slight illness and you are destined to be great but a lot of enemies and supernatural forces are trying to stop you from attaining the height God has planned for you. Do not be afraid beloved for the same God that revealed this to me will surely provide a solution, the Lord will see you through. Prayer without seizing Not quite sure how to take that! Authored by Chris Hall