Some New Books For The New Year

As with a lot of people it's the time of year to make new resolutions for the coming year. One of the resolutions I aim to employ is to vastly improve my diet. My wife has started eating a lot more healthy last year so this resolution should be somewhat easier to stick to than many.

There's a couple of books I intend to use for recipes that seem to have good reviews. Both are from the same author, Victor D'Avila-Latourrette.

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First off is his book called Sacred Feasts from a Monastery Kitchen: Recipes and Reflections. As some reviews say

This book of seasonal cooking provides a backdrop of celebrating sacred feasts of the year from a monastery kitchen to your kitchen, focusing on using seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables to create inexpensive, delicious, healthy, and beautiful vegetarian dishes.

Sounds good to me! Kills two birds with one stone. If you read one of my previous posts I'm feeling pretty disconnected from the church life so linking good diet to some form of church calendar seems a good idea.

The next book is called Twelve Months of Monastery Soups. The publisher says;
To Brother Victor-Antoine, soup making is a spiritual exercise in which you consider food, health, and the meaning of creation. Twelve Months of Monastery Soups harks back to a simpler era, when people were in tune with seasonal harvests and the natural flavors of fresh, locally grown ingredients.
Can't go wrong by the look of things. I love soups and cooking up some made with fresh ingedients sounds irresistable.


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